Cilj vsake proizvodnje je maksimirati donos in dobiček. Pri proizvodnji jeklenih ingotov to pomeni čim manjšo in čim bolj ravno površino glave ingotov. Tako je donos litja največji. Glava ingota vsebuje ostanke toka za ulivanje, proticevne spojine, nekovinske vključke itd. in jo je treba odstraniti. Z zmanjšanjem velikosti glave ingotov se dosežejo naslednje prednosti: •
EXOTERM-IT d.o.o. je letos septembra gostil uporabnike programskega paketa MAGMASOFT® na Slovenskem srečanju uporabnikov 2020. Dogodek je potekal v Vili Bled na Gorenjskem, protokolarnem objektu slovenske države, udeležilo pa se ga je 17 uporabnikov iz 8 podjetij. Glavni gost srečanja je bil dr. Jörg C. Sturm, poslovodni direktor podjetja MAGMA GmbH. Predstavil je prihajajoče novosti
Thermal insulating materials for steelworks can be divided into three groups: 1. insulation coverings, 2. cast stream protection coverings, 3. exothermic insulating agents. They are based on highly refractory ¬fillers, fibers and binders. Insulation coverings are pre-formed highly refractory models for thermal insulation of heads in classic ingot mold casting in shapes of segmented coverings,
Where to start? How to do it? What are the benefits? Which approach to choose? Those were the first questions we asked ourselves when we decided that we must digitize our workflows. First about the company EXOTERM-IT d.o.o.. Many people think that that EXOTERM-IT d.o.o. is computer company due company name ending -IT, but it
The benefits of the use of exothermic insulating materials during ingot casting process are presented on the animation below. Different insulating products were applied at the top of the mold during teeming and solidification. MAGMASOFT® casting simulation software was used to show the difference between uninsulated (left side of the animation) and insolated mold (right
Refractory coatings are applied to sand moulds and cores in foundries (steel castings, grey cast iron and ductile iron, and non-ferrous metals). Refractory coatings provide a protective barrier between the molten metal and the mould or core substrate during the casting process, ensuring the integrity of the cast surface and preventing defects, such as segregations,
During steel solidification volumetric contraction occurs inside of an ingot mold, resulting in a cavity know as pipe. To minimize a depth of the pipe insulating materials are applied at the top of the ingot. To form hot top feeder head, insulating or exothermic coverings are used, in the form of plates, rings, segmented plates